
Skincare Is Simple

by | Nov 15, 2022 | Skin Care | 0 comments


Skincare doesn’t have to be difficult or a best kept secret.  We believe that you should understand what to do, why you do it, and achieve results with treatments and home care.  If you haven’t tried us yet, or if you are a big fan we welcome you to bring in your products, ask us questions.

Want to “recycle” some products with us during your visit?  Bring them in and trade them for credit towards your service or a package of services.  Each product will earn you a $5 discount towards your service.  That’s right, if you have  a counter full of stuff that doesn’t work, stings, looks weird, smells weird or is a mystery to you bring it in and get a discount on your treatment.  When we recommend home care products we will suggest 4 things.  Cleanse, Manage, Moisturize, Protect.  That’s it!  We will give you written directions in the order to use your home care and special instructions on when, how much and where to use them.

Educate us on what you want to see happen with your skin.  I have heard many stories of clients being told what they “need”.  We believe you need to believe in yourself, your beauty, and your choices.  Healthy well cared for skin looks better.  When we look good and spend time and energy towards ourselves we feel better.  You should want this not need this kind of treatment for yourself. Self value and confidence have gotten me a long way in this industry.  It has gotten me a long way in life.  Feed the machine that is your beauty and confidence.  We won’t push you to something you aren’t looking to do.  We will work WITH you on what you want.

We are simple caring folks that want to make a difference to everyone we work with.   Click or call the studio for an appointment with SkinPro Studio.